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Study. Career. Life.

We help you help them.

But just before we launch..

We invite you to talk with us, to tell us what you need. To get wait-listed. By hearing from you, our future partners and customers, we'll be able to provide you the exact study and career guidance tools you need for those you serve.

Industries & Sectors

Our powerful Career Navigation engine provides  users with personalized information that is diagnostic, analytical and predictive. We recommend next steps in a person's journey, based on who they are and what motivates them.

We currently work with different kinds of  clients - all of them operating at scale - who help the people they serve navigate their personal career journeys.

As we prepare to offer services in India, we would be grateful to learn from your experience and hear your thoughts. If one of the domains here describes you, please consider setting  up a conversation with us (the green button) so we can get to know you and benefit from your insights and expertise. If that's the springboard to collaboration, how much the better. If you prefer to get an overview first, click any of the 5 areas or the 'View More' button.
And if for now you'd just like to keep updated about CareerNav developments, and not to be in conversation with us at this time, we'll gladly stay in touch with you if leave your details at the 'Contact'.

Advisory Network

It takes a village...

to make a great company

So you see what we are up to and this really excites you? We are looking for experts, connectors, industry door openers, researchers, people with deep experience, podcast hosts and influencers. People who can help us take off better, sooner, with more to offer.


If our mission speaks to you and you want to help, let us know.

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